Mahogany Table Top Kaleidoscope

Mahogany Table Top Kaleidoscope


188267717688892609974376770249160085759540364871492425887598231508353156331613598866882932889495923133646405445930057740630161919341380597818883457558547055524326375565007131770880000000000000000000000000000000 Every time you flip this oil chamber over the glass will slowly tumble from one end to the other, and settle to a new combination/order. The giant 210 digit number that starts this post represents all the potential number of combinations this chamber could settle out to with ~125 individual pieces of glass. Every human that's ever lived in the history of our species could flip this chamber and never have the same result. That means every time you look through the finished kaleidoscope the images are uniquely "yours" in the sense they will never be quite the same ever again, brief moments of (nearly) infinite beauty 😍

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